This has affected the current weapons meta in an interesting way. Apex legends season 4 all legends tier list kanga.
Apex Legends Season 4 Legends Tier List Apexlegends
Apex legends season 4 hero tier list. Apex legends has had a bit of a meta shift with season 4 on worlds edge and here is where all of the legends land on the tier list. With the new map changes the introduction of the master thief loba there were a fair amount of changes made in the new update. Apex legends has some exceptional legends in the popular free to play battle royale game from respawn entertainment and that list of characters continues to grow with each season. Apex legends weapon tier list for season 4. But who are the best legends to use if you. Multiple heroes received buffs and nerfs with one getting an entire ability rework.
Note that the list is valid for pc xbox and ps4. Below you will find the apex legends tier list in image format and explanation for why is each hero placed in each tier. Some are better than others and some require alone time before getting comfy with their skills but for those curious weve compiled the apex legends season 4 tier list for your viewing pleasure. He has impacted rank play in an interesting way as his arsenal brings new strategies to the meta. If you dont know what each legend does you can find a list of abilities and passives here. Apex legends season 5 has arrived so its time to look through the growing roster to determine who is the best of the best.
Apex legends season 4 character tier list. Loba loba was introduced with season 5. With the release of apex legends season 4 there have been some huge changes in terms of weapon balancing. It should be no surprise to see pathfinder ranked as an s tier legend. Apex legends tier list season 4. In todays video i return to apex legends and give you all my personal opinion on where all the legends fit in a tier list id love to hear.
While every legend is certainly viable we will be evaluating these heroes based on a number of factors. As always tier lists are really subjective and will receive updates based upon new legend releases. Apex legends season 4 apex legends now has 13 characters to pick from after loba was added for season 5 giving players more choice than ever before. This is my apex legends tier list for season 4 and how the legends rank when looking to climb the ranked leaderboards. Apex legends season 4 character tier list share on. Apex legends season 4 assimilation introduced revenant as new playable legend.
Apex legends weapon tier list.