In this segment youll discover a breakdown of each pubg weapon with the most significant details for every one noted. Find info about all weapons currently available in pubg mobile in this weapon list.
Pubg Best Guns All The Pubg Gun Damage Stats Weapon Tier
Pubg xbox gun tier list. Up to date game wikis tier lists and patch notes for the games you love. Theres a whole host of weaponry up for grabs in pubg and if youre unfamiliar with the game it can be difficult knowing which you should be equipping or leaving by the wayside. The m249 is the exception due to its long range capabilities making it one of the few god tier weapons in pubg. Pubg season 8 is here and there loads to look forward to. Theres a wealth of weaponry in pubg all of which youll find scattered on the ground and in the most unlikely of places half the time. Our pubg best weapons guide details the best pistols best smgs best shotguns best assault rifles best sniper rifles and best melee weapons in the game.
However if youre feeling a little nervous about whats in store just follow our simple tips to do well. Explore pubg weapon tier lists from gosuai. We use cookies to make the site more comfortable for you. Top 3 best machine guns in playerunknowns battlegrounds are indicated by the and ranked by the machine gun weapon stats. All in the one place. According to rankedboost your competitive edge.
Our pubg best to worst weapons page lists all weapons in the game with comprehensive stats and a tier list for each category. Tier weapon damage per match. Pubg weapons best long distance. Info included on magsize reload and more. Create and share tier lists for the lols. Note that weve positioned the best weapons inside every class.
All machine guns in pubg light machine and submachine weapons often do well in close range to mid range combat. Use this as a reference when gathering your gear. Here are a couple of musings on how weve approached arranging this rundown and what the numbers mean. Pubg weapons best dps.