Now that weve gotten that out of the way check out the latest version of the game truth season 7 smite tier list down below. Tier s although these gods are somewhat less powerful than s tier characters they are still highly recommended.

Smite Tier List Aug 2020 Gamingscan
Smite tier list olorun. Olorun is the fourth mage adc to join the roster. This is meant to be an in general tier list for any game mode not strictly for conquest. Persephone has a phenomenal kit for team fighting or even 1v1 fighting and if she dies in a team fight she can continue to free cast against the enemy team which can completely turn a fight around. Although theyre not the strongest. Tier a these gods are great safe picks. Includes both hunters and magical adcs.
Olorun oloruns got some great tools and his abilities are pretty balanced but with mage adc items being as good as they are. This is a tier list of my opinions on which gods are good. 15 basic attack damage 10 mp5. Feel free to voice your thoughts on the list in the comments. Olorun build guide full build. Smite olorun builds guides for smite game.
Smite hunter tier list. Ruler of the heavens olorun. Tier s these are top tier gods and are first pick choices for their roles. Tier ss these gods are extremely overpowered and are great picks. Olorun is currently the only god who deals magical damage that can deal critical damage outside the effects of fail nots passive. Oloruns death animation could be a reference to the movie doctor strange.
You may not agree with some of it but that is bound to happen. Smite tier list descriptions. These gods can do anything they want in the arena during a team fight and still come out on top. Ill update this when the mid season patch drops. Tier d not generally considered viable in competitive play these gods are often noted as the worst characters to play. The last one being sol released in october of 2015.
Freya and olorun are the two magical adcs that make the best use of ring of hecate while having strong kits without it oloruns ult is probably the best in the game. Home current smite gods.