If you are familiar with apex legends you know what will be at the bottom of the list. Sometimes it was better to hit your opponent with your bare hand than shooting this.
Best Guns In Apex Legends Season 5 Ultimate Weapon Tier List
Apex legends gun tier list. This list was last checked. Apex legends characters. Apex legends season 5. Back in 2019 when the game first released it became a meme on how weak and ineffective the weapon was. It has the highest dps of all of guns in apex legends. Apex legends weapons season 5.
Its also very accurate for a shotgun. Apex legends season 4 weapons tier list. The following list was created by the folks at rankedboost who have evaluated their apex legends weapon tier list on the strongest and weakest weapons within the game. 20 416 the mastiff shotgun is an exceptional weapon. With a brand new season new guns and the new sniper ammo type the apex legends weapon is meta has changed significantly so heres how they rank. However since its obviously not as precise as the kraber rifle the mastiff gets the second place in our tier list.
This is a weapons tier list ranking all the weapons in the game according to their effectiveness. Apex legends tier list templates. The apex legends with loba included apex legends all weapons. 144 8x18 headshot damage. Apex legends is one of the most popular battle royale game and boasts of a detailed gun collection. Apex legends season 5 rankings.
Its our favorite meme gun mozambique.