Apex legends season 5 weapons tier list. Here you can navigate through to one of the tier lists shown.
Pubg Weapon Tier List April 2020 The World Of M249
Apex weapons tier list reddit. The apex legends weapon tier list splits all the guns in five tiers based on their performance. Honestly i wouldnt even consider the kraber an s tier weapon. The following list was created by the folks at rankedboost who have evaluated their apex legends weapon tier list on the strongest and weakest weapons within the game. The peacekeeper is s tier simply because it is very easy to come by has great attachments that are also easy to get and overall a very consistent gun. The apex legends gun metagame changed slightly heading into season 5 but it was mainly due to nerfs and buffs rather than a new arrival. We will be updating this area in the future with more tier lists for you to benefit from.
This list was last checked. Heres our ultimate weapon tier list for season 5. Also the r 99 is a damn beast def shouldnt be c tier. The argument for the mastiff in s tier is good but the only reason i dont have it there is because it isnt very common of a weapon. Keep in mind every gamers playstyle is different and these guns require a different type of skills. This has affected the current weapons meta in an interesting way.
A list of the apex legends waepons without their tier or rank click through to view statistics about any of the following. Apex legends weapon tier list. Sniper rifles assault rifles light machine guns sub machine guns shotguns and pistols. Find out the best guns by type and compare their damage stats. Win more games with these apex tier lists. I almost feel like the kraber should drop early mid game so it can actually be useful.
Its really only available extremely late game and from my experience late game involves a lot of mid to short range engagements. Up your games by looking through the best characters tier list or start practicing your aim with the weapons shown on the best weapons tier list. With the release of apex legends season 4 there have been some huge changes in terms of weapon balancing. The skull piercer is back. Apex legends weapon tier list. To get a quick overlook we created this apex legends weapon tier list where you should get an idea what you should keep your eyes on while looting.
There are six main weapon types in apex legends.