The dragon ball video game series are based on the manga and anime series of the same name created by akira toriyamathe series follows the adventures of goku as he trains in martial arts and explores the world in search of the seven wish granting orbs known as the dragon balls. And the dragon ball fighterz competitive crowd is certainly no different.
Jak On Twitter Dragon Ball Games Tier List
Dragon ball game tier list. This feature will not be available to studio base users. Keep in mind that the tier list is an opinion based list. Our cookie policy has been updated. 17 posts budokai 2 tier list budokai 2 tier list. Fortunately google didnt say a fence again about how much the game list would be on the fabled list. Dragon ball competitive classic dbz games budokai series budokai 2 tier list.
By continuing to browse our site you agree to these updates. The dynamic pair of sp ssj2 kefla grn and sp ssb vegito blu makes things very easy for fusion warriors in early game. For example editing any section of the super agl tier list will bring. There is no official tier list available by the dragon ball z dokkan battle game developers. Click savedownload and add a title and description. If you want to be able to compete with the best then you are going to need to keep up with the meta by knowing which fighters are performing and which ones need to be left in the proverbial dust.
Sp vegito yel and ex gogeta red are very reliable options on the team featuring everlasting offensive buffs as well as nice defensive tools. Editing will bring you to the individual articles. Fusion warriors are powerful and are well built to compete in the meta as with the addition of sp ssb. To edit click on the edit button in the specific section or sub section. Edit the label text in each row. As more and more people unlock his full potential it will quickly become apparent how good he is.
The tier list will assume sp kid goku yel is zenkai 7 because unlike other fighters that have received zenkai boosts hes free to play. With outreach 31 titles will be available at google stadium. However users can play the game dragon ball legends tier list for free and get discounts on buying the selected game. Follow at fruztalx credit to google and many stores amazontargetetc for the images. Check out other dragon ball games tier list recent rankings. To that end we have developed a tier list to help you stay on top of your.
A dragon ball tier. Budokai 3 tier list dragon ball general this is a split board you can return to the split list for other boards. The games are of various genres mostly role playing platform and fighting games although the latter have become. Drag the images into the order you would like. A video game site dedicated to the depth and competitive ness of dragon ball games.