Answer from a veteran. Rivens cannot be taken into account because of how variable they are how much time is required to get the right kind of variables if you dont buy the best possible riven and because the curator isnt made of money to get the best rivens through trades.

Warframe Tier List What Is The Best Warframe Warframe Wiki
Warframe tier list reddit. For anyone who is still interested here is my updated list at this time. Since i initially made this list while at work i have had some more time to reflect on certain frames hear some of your guys feedback and modify my list a little bit. Masuzi august 10 2020 uncategorized 0. A tier great frame mesa nidus octavia saryn b tier good frame ash excalibur frost gara garuda. If its a personal tier list great no ones going to be all that interested if its personal to you because this is a public forum about public stuff and not an alcoholics anonymous meeting. Warframe frame tier list 2020 reddit.
Probably best to leave the bad jokes there for this one on we go. Every warframe with a player who knows how to use them can be s rank. Warframe tier list what is the best warframe. This is a question that arises in almost every tenno there are so many to choose from. It just kicks off the entire warframe tier list and has an ultimate that makes it an ideal choice for preferring the damage and taking it a bit slow. Tier list for warframes.
I would say that there is no such thing as the best frame in this game. Anything that is taken out during this effect will burst out in explosion and thus creating a chain reaction. The weapons on the tier list are ranked based on killtimes with a specific set of enemies. But it all centers around one thing the warframes themselves which are the. Discussion hey guys so im returning to warframe for some casual downtime as wow winds down between expansions and for something to do on off raid days but i havent played in something like 3 4 years lol. Warframe tier list nezha to zephyr warframe is a massive game full of ever evolving weapons tactics and missions.
Warframe best warframes ranked warframe top 5 best endgame frames to warframe tier list what is the best warframe mastery rank test guide. Thankfully for you we have a warframe tier list to help you sort the best from the restthe warframes from the wardrains. Warframe best warframes ranked weakest to strongest tier list gamers decide. Players who have lower mastery rankless experienced in the game face difficulties while choosing the best frame.